I was approached by Sean in late summer to undertake the metal work side of the restoration works on his Bus prior to The Paint Shop pros undertaking the painting side of the works, Unfortunately the bus had been in with another local VW restoration business and should have taken three months to be completed, seven months in and she was actually in a sorry state of repair, less than 1/3 of the planned works had been completed and this was of a very poor standard and despite the cost had to be redone due to the extremely poor standard.
It finally arrived in the Oil Droppers work shop on the 18th October, my self and Sean made an initial assessment of the works required and works already done, it was agreed that a meeting with Gavin of the Paint shop was required, the decision was made that the works done around the front of the van had to be re-done along with some additional unplanned works these being the inner front valance & some repair works to the chassis, inner sill & middle sill , the other planned works the inner and outer at the bottom of the sliding door outer sill, rear quarter, rear corner, battery tray three window frame repairs.
The following Photos show how she looked when she arrived and the works as they progressed through the restoration.
From here the Photos indicate the quality of work that had been done prior to itsarrival with Oil Droppers, if you want to see more lookus up on Face book there plenty more on there to browse through, truly shocking.
Note how out of shape thr contours are on the valance, as this has now been filled one can only asssume there was going to be another Inch of filler to build it up. |
And this is the company who say they dont like to use a lot of filler HHMM i will let you decide. |
From this point we start to finish what had been hacked at, and make the previous works back to how they should have been.
Here we have welded in place the inner sill Middle sill, Outer sill and the rear 1/4. |
No over lap this was but welded. |
C post as it arrived. |
C Post after we had rebuilt it. |
Closing Panel welded in place. |
Rear corner section welded in place. |
Battery tray and corner panel from inside. |
Under side of battery tray. |
All welded up and ready for some minor finishing before it goes. |
Repair to the bottom of the sliding Door. |
Welded up and back on the Van. |
Inner front valance in Place, We had undertaken some pretty serious chassis repairs prior to this, Again check out the face book page it all on there. |
The front valance put on by the other restorer was so bad and out of shape we had to be redone. |
New front valance in place and done note the correct contour lines unlike the previous photos earlier.on this post. |
Passengers side floor section in place. |
Drivers floor panel in place. |
Inner front windscreen panel was very corroded this we found under the new panels put in by the previous so called restoration company. |
We removed the top section completely. |
And replaced with new metal, prior to the new front panel and screen surround being replaced. |
This was the final fit before welding. |
Fully welded in place. |
Front repair panel one of many trial fittings. |
Front repair panel fully welded in place. |
Please pay particular notice there is no filler at all at this point just polished weld. |
Nice proper shape unlike when she arrived. |
One light skim of filler prior to a coat of primer to protect it until she is painted. |
Like wise the front, again please note how little filler there is used, the centre section was filled prior to her arrival with Oil Droppers. |
We at Oil Droppers are a new small enterprise, we have a lot of room to grow we take serious pride in the services and works we provide, we undertake the tasks given us with diligence and customer satisfaction as the fore front of our business, We ensure we post regular updates of the works on our face book page enabling customers to track progress, and prove we hide nothing from anyone and cut No corners, if you like what you see check out the other posts on this site and click like on the Oil droppers Face book page and follow what we do. be a part of making us grow so we cam look after your pride and Joy.