Oil Droppers is a newly formed small enterprise with a focus on early vw's type 1 11 & 111, Karmann Ghias and any other classic Vehicles, we have had an interest in classic's and hot Rods for many years and have a wealth of ability and knowledge to offer for your Classic vehicle Take you time and check out some of the other entrys to see a history of our works, you can contact us on the following Email
oildroppers@outlook.com & find us on Facebook.
Ashley's bug came to me for the obligatory bit of welding, Ashley new of my capability and works Ashley was the second of the two whom battled it out in the last few minutes of the auction on eBay for my Pride and joy my yellow 67 Bug, So hence he ended up buying this one that as per the norm has it own fair shair of problems.
That's the bit where i came back in he needed work done and it wanted to be good work at a competative price, That is what i do best and i deliver what the owner wants not what i believe they should do!
After i finished the 1971 Bay Turbo build Ashley's bug was next in, it was in for replacement front and rear Apron's, Inner front wheel arches and a panel in the drivers side floor pan under the seat.
Overall Ashley's bug is a pretty solid Beetle and now a little more now she been with me.
New rear apron fitted & welded in place.
New front apron trial fit.
Front apron welded in place.
I had to repair the spare wheel well as it had a little rot.
Right front inner wheel arch mocked up prior to welding.
Job done, fully welded in nice and solid.
This is the section of floor the rot had appeared round the seat mount, cut this out and put in a new piece of steel.
Not much to say on this one except, we came , we conquered, yes people it lives it breaths the doubters you were all wrong, you still are wrong as to date it still runs fine and aint gone bang.
The two videos below are the first initial fire up and the second is the second run up after it had a few tweeks. Personally i like the second video as you can if you listen with the volume up a bit here the turbo spool and whine on its way down it was a very good day, with a little relief i can tell you.
I would like to say thanks to the people who believed i could do it and offered moral support when i hit the stressy bits it wasnt easy to do from scratch on your own, those people whom are many i know, but Dave C, Claude B, all they guys from Outcast vw and all the people who commented on my facebook page appreciated.
But most of all my wife Julie for putting up with me and my love for VW'S, a challenge and agreeing to the cost cos it wasnt cheep you indeed are a star.
Well all be it a little late as most people that read my updates have probably seen it and heard it, so what in this will be nothing new or shout about, But as i meander through life wondering what to do with my self it came upon me that others do actually venture on this site i created some years ago now, these people may just want to know what the final outcome of this project actually resulted in, by this i mean did it actually work or did it just Go bang as some had predicted!!
Fortunately for me and my wallet let alone my life it run, still does some months down the road, Good job really.
So last Blog entry i believe the set up was all be it crudely put together complete on Claude's engine stand and so the story continues, at least you get the ending this time and it was not the Butler?
The oil pipes fitted and the remote filter moved and mounted on a home made bracket.
Oil feed line installed for the Turbo Oil feed.
Heat rap put on the manifold, offer of good advice never do this with out gloves, and never ask you wife to lend a hand with out gloves either, god made me itch, but my wife's some what more delicate hands and arms suffered far more.
Manifold Turbo & waste gate finally bolted in place for the final time.
Put this one in as it looks so cool!
Pipe work done and ready to put in place.
Waste gate pressure pipe in place.
Oil feed in place and the exhaust bolted in place.
Induction Pipes all in Place and clamped up, and dump valve installed.
Another shot of the dump valve in situ.
Finally assembled in its finished state.
Oh yes don't laugh, Exhaust yes that's it, i know some of you have seen it with the silencer added, but i have again removed this and its back to Loud Luv it.
Looks tidy and fits just how i wanted it too it great to prove these things can be done, and that the ones whom believe they know best really you don't?
And that as they say is that, all ready for the initial fire up at the time.
I am, aware that i said i would start it on the trolley but i am an impatient git on a normal day, when i am gagging to test several months of planning and work it just had to go in!