Well the long hall of the home grown turbo charged bay continues, in my last post I had started to fabricate the pipe work to go from the turbo to the carb's, yep im going for the blow through option, may choose to change this at a later date but for now this was I believe the easier option & cheaper, that's me all over as im regularly called a cheap skate!
I have now actually pulled the motor from the van in order to find that bloody oil leak that you all complain about?
So I've pulled the motor, identified where the oil was leaking from, collected Claude's home grown engine trolley modified it to take a Bay motor and finished the pipe work.
I have also started to, but not yet finished the remote oil cooler, I've had it for years never got round to doing it.
Pictures below as usual to show my efforts.
This Entry was sponsored by Sainsbury's, Keep reading you will see Why LOL.
Tin ware now completed and fixes back together nicely allowing easy
removal of the rear valance with out removing the whole set up. |
The section with exhaust exit pipe going through will remain in place
when the rear apron/valance, call it what you will is removed. |
Oil cooler brackets made up. |
Oil cooler in place and bolted down, just need to get the mandrel
cutters out and make the holes for the pipes to come through. |
oil cooler brackets bolted in. |
Engine out that's been in a long time now since it was fully re-built
some one asked before what size barrels etc. this had being a 1679cc they are 88mm. |
Top taken off to find that pesky leak, Generator tower, should have known. |
Claude's engine stand, If Sainsbury's made engine trolleys they would probably look like this
top end mocked up so I could finish the pipe work, note the sectioned curves on the carbs these
I have made to suit my needs bloody pain staking process
but required to fit in as I want. |
A close up to show this was made up of six sections of pipe all cut by hand,
I must be bloody Mad. |
And the other side . there not identical either. |
One side welded up and added to the first pipe I done that would be the
easier one, and if you look just to you right you will see that one and you
will also work out im a bad liar. |
Trial fit before I go any further try once check and check again if I have said that before sorry
but I have got it wrong so many times before and I have learnt the hard & costly way.
The other side welded up and another trial fit, each weld is done in several
sections to keep the heat down as I have found even after many such projects
that even pipe of this size can distort through heat, In all each of these curves has
actually taken several hours work.
The induction pipe now in its completed State, ready to be refitted for
hopefully the final time, we shall see.
There we go another mile stone in my on going efforts to further
my on going passion, with Vw's and my Dream of going it alone and
running my own little workshop.
The next step for me is to install the oil feed line & the Oil drain off, complete the cooler pipes, put the heat Rapp on the exhaust, install the pressure pipe and boost gauge, re-assemble the top end then test the motor on Claude's Trolley, that's going to be scary!
All in all im getting there bit by bit, the actual day this gets run up for the first time im going to video it and put it on here so keep watching its going to be interesting?
And as a last statement and in the words of Americas most famous leader,