I had been talking about putting a turbo on my Bay, it already running a 1679cc motor with a mild cal and twin carbs, She got some go but when is there enough, that age old question when do you stop?
Like i said been talking or threatening to do it for some time, heard all the oh you have to do this you have to do that,after a lot and i do mean a lot of talking with people and trawling the net looking at pictures & Videos etc, over a period of time a accumulated the basic parts, Turbo handy when your looking at this kind of project a bit of a stumbling block if its missing, got a new one a nice 38mm waste gate, New blow off vale/Dump Valve call it what you will, pre-cut flanges etc you get the picture, i decided to utilise the original four branch and cut this up to make the new one, i decide to put the turbo inside the engine bay and at the same time try to keep the engine easy to get too as well, i brought the manifold up through the rear apron on the left side of the engine bay and the turbo is to sit on top, The pictures below will show what i mean, any way i have so far got to the point of getting the turbo mocked up on the manifold in the engine bay.
Still got a lot to do before i can contemplate the initial fire up but it will get there, i have also got to prove to my doubters this is achievable.
The pictures as usual below show where I'm at currently. A couple of the pictures are not brilliant as i took the on my phone, its a blackberry this word is obviously foreign or Latin for Shit !
First two Pipes Made up. |
I curved the pipe to allow the heater pipes to be connected properly. |
This shows another view of the curves allowing connection of heater pipes. |
lower manifold pipes driver side. |
Connecting the pipes up ready for the collector. |
Re-used the collector from the original four branch. |
This shows the collector through the rear apron. |
Looks quite good mind you I'm biased. |
Flange for the turbo to sit on, the tube is 2.25 Inch knocked into a square to fit inside the flange. |
Hole cut in the side for the waste gate. |
Waste Gate Tube cut to fit on collector. |
Collector and waste gate assembly mocked up, note i still have to cut the hole for the waste gate pipe. |
Turbo mocked up.