Well where to start, HHMM History is always good, a little insight may help understand, for a number of years now i have been making what some would justifiably perceive as another idol threat, yeah you got it to get off my arse and got to the Volksworld show, worse than that i am a regular reader of the mag and every year i said I'm going next year, I had my bus for thirteen years Lets do some simple maths, NNAA lets not bother makes it look even bloody worse. Well i finally went all be it in my Focus yeah yeah yeah. i know sacrilege, but to you regular lookers you know the bus is in the work shop being sorted out & the bugs got running issues, Lazy Bastard i know.
But who gives a monkeys! the show was cracking, went in through the door with Dave, you will have heard his name before, My son Tim he pops up regular as well and Amelia my girl you have to produce the spark of interest early. got in half way through the first floor and had already flattened one set of batteries on the camera, Dog with two Dicks comes to mind, Ha Ha Ha.
well I'm not as quick as some to enter on my blogg with so many pictures to trawl through it not easy to choose, So the following are some of my favourites, i have noticed i have a affliction for sign written buses.
The Square back was Clean sweet & very Low,High Top Split was built to go fast & looked very good to go with it.
The Early Bug V38 was the star of the show, i followed the build through from the original pictures of the find in its butchered state to it's current guise.
I have got to be honest, i did not actually like this my initial thought was god that's bloody hideous but i suppose it grows on you, Slowly, but i can appreciate the Craftsman ship.
I did not quite get the picture i was hoping for but i still like it.
I f my memory serves correct this does belong to one of the volks world team, did like it very clean and looked tough.
Very clean very straight attention to detail was excellent. |
Hot rod & Salt flats cross is how i would describe this but it was a stunning motor.
Very Low, very clean daily driver think not, i can not understand why you build a car then not drive it Madness i tell you, Bloody Madness. |
Every body loved this, understandable. |
Cool Flo Vintage were there alway look so cool. |
Nice line up of early bugs cant beet them, amazing realy how they can all be basically the same but again be so different.
Absolutley the dogs bollocks, want it. |
The level of engineering on this was at a new level. |
Well you just cant get better than a nice Early bay with some sign writing on the side, especially when its this low, got dinks & dents and in its og paint, Nuff said.
Ho and im back on me bus be ready in a week or so and you'll never know the twat hit it.