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Sunday, 25 September 2011

Last pictures of Pauls Bay.

It was only the other day when i was putting on the Ace cafe entry i realised i had not put on the last pictures of the work i had done on The above mentioned Bay. So i believe looking back i had just completed the front valance. So just the sill to complete and a few cosmetic bits and its back to Paul.
These pics are tha last ones i took and the van went back to paul a few weeks back but better late than never.

Sill ready to go back in.

Tacked in place.

This was either Dave or Tim not Actually sure though.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Exhaust Repair.

Well as you probably know in my last post from the ace cafe on the way home i had a small problem with the old girl not running quite right. she had a couple of coughs and a fart and then a bang a realy big bang & unfortunatley my exhaust was not best happy about reiceveing the increased load of unspent mixture entering it's orofice and at the point of re-fire the exhaust did not find containing such copiace amounts of igniting mixture easy to control, And as such we ended with a hole in my box larger than a porn queen's ring piece after a gang bang.

So i took a look on Vw heritage to get a price for a new silencer, Man what the fuck is going on £107.00 for a box i bought mine two years ago and with the four branch i paid £149.00 for the pair, i understand prices go up but man i could have wept, any way so i thought its no good i may have to fix it and keep the one got, so thats what i did £107.00 kiss my Arse.

Any way i took afew pictures of the repair for the blog see below.

See the swelling thats a back fire & a half

hat do you recon to that then BOOM !

End removed i had to split the pressed seems

It even mullered the inside.

Another one of the inside.

Cleaned up and a knock about to straighten.

Before i used the hammer.

And yep you got it after you clever Sods !

Ready to weld the thing back up.


Not  a bad job if i say so myself.

Tidy enought.

Back in place.

Jobs a Good One.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Ace cafe September 2011

Well people another month has flewn past with each month the Bus & bug become ever more Classic unfortunatley so do i, especially in the mornings god somedays i feel like shit & old & knackered think i may start sitting for the obligatory morning Squirt. Back to the Ace, Well i undertook my usual chore of putting a note on the lowlifes page just to remind the fellow enthusiast's that it was on & got a excellent responce and at one point we were on the verge of a magnificant seven vehicles but alas in the end we managed Five.
These being Myself obviously(what a dork) Dave Clarke the green Bay (SHREK) Claude with that most excellent Split, Dave & Angela Harvey he was in his Comic relief Beetle rather than his split its havin some love done to the motor & Joe Newell Blue & white bay totally sweet ride Dude. my self & Dave met at the junction car park by Frankie & bennies then moved off and Met Claude, Dave & Angela on the Bypass then on to Denham to meet Joe newell then on to the ace, after a bit of a chat & the Harveys had devoured a curry we mooched around outside till leaving time. On the way back my bus started to pop & Bang it was so bad by the time we were near home it was backfiring really bad, in fact so bad it blew the exhaust apart, Me & Tim shit our selves funny as fuck you had to be there.

Pic's below.

How mad is this, Definatly a mobile home in the making.

This just always looks ssssoooo good!

Dont bloody lie we all realy want One earlier the better.

Dave & Angela harveys Comic relief Bug.

Right to Left Angela, Joe, Dave, & Joes sister !

Sweet !

Dave i hope you not peeing up that van.

Claude still trying to work out how to use his mobile.

Took pics of this at Dubs in the park Love this ride.

Theres acompany on Ebay selling these bodys New made type in hot rod find the dorset bodys thats them.

Aylesbury low lifes line up.

The Low Lifes of Aylesbury ! OOP'S the Aylesbury Low lifes Mistaake !