Well it is that time of year again and the old girl had to be subjected to her annual health check, the indignity of it. any way as per usual i gave her a bit of a look over prior to letting the vehicle doctor loose on her. i knew i had to do surgery on the exhaust as she caught the ground at the last low life meet and was blowing like a fat dude running for a burger, and i discovered one of the rear shocks was weeping, Funny enough like a fat dude that didn't get his burger, Am i being Fatist here, Oh well who give s a fuck!
I have to come clean though she was on the ramp and bless her she wouldn't start, of all the times to go flat on the test station ramp, Its a good job Ive been going to see John for a long time he boost started her and kept her running for the duration of the mot, then switched he off when he pulled her out, It was like NO! it was too late she was dead in the yard no life in the battery. i had to suck up & ask for the booster Again!.
Any way the good news was despite the old girls appalling behavior with the Vehicle doctor he yet again NOTE that comment YET AGAIN!! not wanting to make a point or anything because I'm not like that But let me remind you of that point YET AGAIN he gave her a clean bill of health that means one more year with no failures, OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH.
obviously you can probably guess by my ramblings that i am quite pleased. Any i don't normally with pics for this but i decided to this year.
That will be The MOT Doctor John Docherty of Elmhurst Service Station Elmhurst Road Aylesbury Telephone 01296 428798,
They love VW'S so you know where to go for a good honest service
Some pictures below for the records.
Lets jack the Old girl up and get started. |
Theres nothing like a nice arse especially when its stuck in there Air!! |
Stripped and feeling vulnerable its Shocking !! |
It was surprising to see the difference between the compression rate of the new and old, should be a nice ride after this. |
Exhaust off a good clean up and re-assemble with a little exhaust paste and surgery will be complete. |
What a lovely looking piece of equipment, I did notice that she is running a little too rich as the exhaust ports are very Black i will have to address this as she drinks like a proverbial Irishman on St Patrick's Day. |
This is the garage all Vw enthusiasts should use. |
And at this point she Said i don't think so ! |
A good look around and at closer inspection he found HHM Nothing.What the heck OH YEAH OH YEAH, SEE MY HANDS BABY !! |
No point looking twice you cant find It. |
That's the Mot Doctor John Docherty. |
The pressure was intense i think she was at braking point ! |
She was now coming off the ramps all done. |
That was it for another year and a clean bill of health. |