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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Done a bit on the front of the bug.

Pics below show the damage after I've had a Wee knock at it, I'm a tight Arse see ain't gonna by a new bonnet, because some idiot hit it.
Knocked the worst out.

Not perfect but a little More work it will be fine.

Ive been told by my son today he thinks I've an addiction to Red Primer.

Personally i don't think his comments are justified, But i have now acquired 5Ltrs of Gloss red oxide maybe for the bus !!

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Goodwill Too All Men, My Bloody Arse!!!

Well some people just dont understand the meening of goodwill to all men, This is what i found on christmas morning, I would probably not been upset with them considering the weather and time of year if they had knocked the door, I can deal with the hood & i can deal with peoples bad luck theres & mine but to be so bloody awful as to Fuck Off i cant! So from this point on this person will remain in my thoughts as That twat at Xmas!
Every Cloud has a silver Lining it will give something else to put on my blog next year when i straighten it out see the pics below.
OHH The shock !

OOOHHH The Misery!

OH Fuck this its cold im going back in doors for a beer! Well it is christmas you know.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

The Repair to the rear of the bus.

Right as i said in a previous Entry, The bus got a shunt in the rear by a BMW driver. the following pictures are of the repair i carried out that was beyond the repair centre at Perry's in Aylesbury, I wouldn't trust them with a push bike based on that Information.

This is the damage caused by the rear end of A BMW when it hits you pride & Joy


Bumper off valance out and the Paint Taken off to reveal good clean Metal, Not surprising really replaced the quarter about three year ago.

The damaged corner cut out revealing the damaged battery tray.

Battery tray removed ready for a clean up prior to the replacement.

Another shot of the cut out Metal.

Battery tray clamped in place prior to the spot welds being Done.

Minor repair to metal work behind rear quarter, before the rear corner is replaced.

Rear corner Added continually moved around the joint using spot welds this helps keep the heat to a minimum preventing heat distortion to the panels.

when i cut the quarter out were the original panel was pressed the tin was quite thin, To enable a good repair i added a strip of steel along the inside of the repair for a little extra strength, You can see the penetration marks from the spot welds.

Skim of Filler, Ive never done leading may have a go soon it would be a better option, A quick rub down is all that needed. That's the last picture i took. Yes i know painted it and put it back together on the Sunday didn't take a picture, Trust me you would never know it had happened and the red oxide was so easy To match !!!!!!!!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Marks Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bug i am talking about here belongs to, HHMMM lets say an associate he was introduced to me by a very Good long standing Mate, In fact my best mate i have known for thirty years. Any way enough of the guilt trip!

This bug is a genuine GT super beetle, This car was brought from an elderly chap who had owned it from new and loved it till he was no longer allowed to drive it through ill health, In steps the person i fondly refer to as that Mother F***** that ripped me off for £200.00, I spent several weekends and week at least ten week day evenings overhauling this bug, after it was brought for i believe 1K the Cock that owns it left it parked on his sons drive for over six years and never touched it, Any way he wanted to get it sorted out and unwittingly my mate said i know a man who can !!

In steps Captain trustworthy (that's me please tell me if I'm going on Soap boxes and all that) any way introductions came and went, i agreed to arrange transport and shift the car to my Place, clean out the gas tank replace fuel lines service and get the car running, source all new running gear front & rear every nut bolt clip pipe and part, get a new screen installed replace the vandalised bonnet and get the car Motd, The cars paint was flatter than a witches tit, Cant claim for the polishing of the paint Dave done that with my kids excellent work Buddy. Any way i only charged him £10.00 an hour done over 70 hrs work said he could pay £500.00 he ripped me off for £200.00 only coffed up the £300.00. Ho well cant get blood out of a stone.

Enough of that old bollocks usual story done all the work very few pictures the funny thing is that was about two years ago as you can see i don't bear grudges, Mother F***** its back on his sons drive where i parked it what a Dick ! Any way couple of picks of the car
Nice new beam, Brazillian from VW Her***** not very good threads on the stubs had to be re-cut due to damadge and the back plate holes were untapped, sorted it out though.

Looks nice when its all new, Expensive though.

Quality work, If i do say so my self. That your Q to leave a comment Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!

They need a few Bugs like this on im a celebrity !

I do love Bugs but those light's look like the suffering from elephantitis.

All Original just the way we like it.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Andys Bug Fix.

I recently was asked to help my mate Andy from the Aylesbury low lifes, he had put his Partners bug in for a MOT and it had a ,minor problem with corrosion under the brake fluid/washer bottle reservoirs, i must say this bug as far as i am aware was a barn find, this bug is not imaculate but its real not dressed not a two year resto, this car is as genuine as they come, Any way have a look!  added a few pics of the repair obviously cos i done it but just a couple of extra ones as its such a nice car.

As usual i get a job to do and wade in so the pics are a bit hit and miss, Any way the picture show the section after it was cut out, the main rot was along the fold wear the section bends down behind the spare wheel.
This is what was left after the cutting took place, i cleaned up the loose before putting the plate in,

wanted to keep the cuts clean so the end job was tidy.

Again same with this side really !

Job Done, Just in case any one wonders the plate was made from scratch by me in the shed, Well i think its a tidy job.

Definatley looks better from this angle, Pleased with that.

Told you it was sweet.

Nice to see an honest motor.

Ill say andys other half is a lucky lady, Ill say other half as i dont want to offend if i cant spell the ladys name.

Clean inside lovely Jublee !

Friday, 19 November 2010

My Creative Engineering Weed Eater Beam.

Back to my Best toy the Bus! I do love my bus. i just cant get the stance quite right yet, Done all i could with a modified stock beam but was not Happy. In a strange sort of way had a stroke of luck, while meeting with the fellow Vw enthusiasts the Aylesbury Low Life's one week end back in that distant memory we called summer, some kind gentleman i believe his name may have been captain cock head ! managed to back into my pride & Joy Obviously i was most under standing as its only SMALL ! Any way cut a long story short his insurance offered me £1300.00 to get it repaired my self, £40.00 quids worth of panels a donated rear light lens from kieron (Thanks Mate) one weekends work and all sorted that where luck comes in i had i little money left from the repair. Told you it was in a strange way, any way lots of money later my bus looked a little better, Pictures below have a look i think it a great piece of kit.

The Dink courtesy of Captain Cock !

Old Beam out, Not so easy when your on your Own.

Old beam stripped ready for retirement!!

Bits every where its amazing how many bits you have once you start to take it apart.

Now were Moving the Springs have been cut down here and I'm re-drilling the countersinks for the grub screws, I would advise anyone who has little experience with this kind of job to get it done professionally not an easy one to get right.

Painted parts ready to be reasembled.

the new beam Sexy but not a patch on the wife !

Nearly there looking better all the time.

Just waiting for the new track control arms to arrive to complete.

The new & the old just a little difference in length.

Track control arms installed back on the ground Low enough, Maybe.

Dropped Tucked & sweet as a nut ! May be a little lower may have to notch the rails though.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Beetle rear end repair.

The rear of the beetle had Quite a bad shunt in it, the following pictures are of the repair as it was carried out. I done the works my self, unfortunatley i did not take as many pics as i could have but i do get stuck in and just forget. Any way ive added a few pictures below, Looking back  at the pictures im happy with the job.

As i previously said there was some serious rot to deal with, I had already started to cut some out prior to this photo.

The rear apron not realy use in saving, good excuse to replace with an earlier one !

One of the rear Quater sections after removal Rotten or what!

The rear end back on note the earlier Model apron Looks better already.

Overall pleased with the result, No more rot here !

Thought i better show both sides want to show it was done right!

Rear end put back together again with early deck lid, Looks so much better than the original 67 decklid !

I put a coat of paint on the deck lid as i got a spray can with the car, Got a pair of bumper at Stonor Park, help to clean it up a bit.